with the permission of the Scottish Naturalist
May be used for private research. All other rights
of Applied Sciences,
of Wolverhampton
The sediments of Loch
Ness have received little attention in the past
from palaeolimnologists. Pennington, Haworth, Bonny and Lishman (1972)
reported mainly grey microlaminated glacial clay
in a core taken from a depth of 50 metres off Dores. This may explain why further research on
the sediments has been somewhat neglected until
quite recently.
Loch Ness is some 230
metres deep, and it is therefore difficult to remove
sediment cores from the bottom of the loch with
the equipment readily available to palaeolimnologists. The Loch Ness and Morar Project, however, has
recently developed a technique capable of collecting
cores from a depth of 220 metres. Cores from this depth have been examined
by members of the Loch Ness Sediment Group. The sediments are rich in organic material
and laminated to a depth of 2.0 metres.
This paper presents some
of the preliminary bulk geochemical and mineral
magnetic results from a 1.2 m core, collected in
1990 from a depth of 170 m in the North Basin (National
Grid reference NH 572326).
The research being undertaken
is set within the lake watershed ecosystem model,
which has proved to be a useful tool in developing
a spatially integrated understanding of lake and
catchment processes.
Bormann and Likens (1969)
identified the framework of this model by monitoring
nutrient cycles within a catchment, and relating
their results to climatic change and human activity
in the catchment. This concept was further developed by Oldfield
(1977) to consider the sediment as a record of past
environmental conditions within the lake and its
catchment. The sediments are analysed for variations in
their physical, chemical and organic properties,
which are then interpreted within the lake watershed
ecosystem model framework.
Vol 105, The Scottish
Naturalist: Loch Ness Sediments: A Preliminary Report
The sediment can be considered
as a diverse matrix of inorganic and organic materials,
derived from the catchment (allogenic), from within
the lake (authigenic), and within the sediment (diagenic). To distinguish between these sources presents
any one discipline with considerable problems, which
can only be overcome by multi-disciplinary studies
(Haworth and Lund, 1984).
Mineral magnetic studies
examine the physico-chemical changes of the iron
compounds brought about by changes in the environment. Thompson and Oldfield (1986) present various
examples of mineral magnetic studies, and Oldfield
(1991) presents a recent review of the research
being carried out in this discipline. The advantage of this form of analysis is
its speed and non-destructive method, which allows
further methods of analysis to be carried out. A brief interpretation of the magnetic parameters
measured is presented in Table 1.
studies elucidate the environmental processes which
control the distribution of inorganic elements within
the sediment. Mackereth
(1966) established methods of interpretation which
have been further developed, and questioned, by
other workers in this field, e.g. Engstrom (1983).
Ness is situated in the Highland Region of Scotland
, and is one of several lochs, linked by the Caledonian
Canal, which follow the Great Glen fault (Figure
1, 7K map). Loch Ness is the largest body of natural freshwater,
and has the greatest mean depth of any lake, in
Great Britain. The catchment of the loch spans almost the
entire width of the Scottish mainland, and incorporates
a variety of climatic domains. The geology of the catchment exposure consists
of a complex suite of metamorphic, intrusive igneous
and old red sandstone rocks with post-Devensian
deposits (Craig, 1991). Land classification of the catchment is predominantly
mountain moorland or rough pasture, with crop and
grass land only a minor proportion in the glens.
The main industries are
agriculture and tourism. Sheep farming and forestry dominate the upland
areas, with minor livestock and arable farming in
the crofting areas of the glens. Hydro-electric schemes and various cottage
industries are common in the region. Aluminium smelting was carried out on the
shore of Loch Ness at Foyers from 1895 to 1967.
morphometry of the loch and its catchment is presented
in Table 2. Hydrological and land use data are given in Table 3, which follows
Maitland's (1981) method of catchment subdivision.
Vol 105, The Scottish
Naturalist: Loch Ness Sediments: A Preliminary Report
Magnetic parameters
mass specific susceptibility:
The ratio of magnetisation
induced, to the intensity of a small applied magnetic
field (no remanence is induced, so the sample
retains its original magnetic properties). It can be considered as being roughly proportional
to the concentration of ferrimagnetic minerals
within the sample.
Frequency dependent
variation of susceptibility with respect to the
frequency of the applied field. Viscous magnetic grains within the stable single domain/superparamagnetic
boundary show a delayed response to the applied
Anhysteretic remanent
remanence induced in the sample by the applied
field tends to be retained by ferrimagnetic stable
single domain size grains.
isothermal remanent magnetisation:
maximum amount of magnetic remanence which can
be imparted to a sample by a large applied field. With the fields used, not all magnetic
minerals will have been saturated). This parameter relates to mineral type
and concentration.
Vol 105, The Scottish
Naturalist: Loch Ness Sediments: A Preliminary Report

Vol 105, The Scottish
Naturalist: Loch Ness Sediments: A Preliminary Report

Vol 105, The Scottish
Naturalist: Loch Ness Sediments: A Preliminary Report
p 75
It cannot always be assumed
that the waters and transported eroded materials
flow directly from the catchment to the loch, since
they may pass through other lochs before they enter
Loch Ness.
Study Methods
The core was sealed immediately
after collection, for subsequent transportation
to the School of Applied Sciences at the University
of Wolverhampton. The core was extruded in the laboratory and samples were taken at
3.0 cm intervals. These samples were oven dried at a temperature
not greater than forty degrees centigrade. The samples were homogenised and prepared for
mineral magnetic analysis using standard methods A standard suite of mineral magnetic measurements
was carried out. On completion of these non-destructive
magnetic measurements, the samples were prepared
for bulk geochemical analysis by X-ray fluorescence.
The results are presented
using a statistical method which normalises the
data in such a way that all measurements can be
presented on the same scale. This method allows
the magnitude of change in the properties measured
to be compared. A brief description of this method is given
Data Normalisation Method
The down core results
of each variable are considered as a column. The Mean and Standard Deviation (standard
deviation of the sample) of the column are calculated. Each element of the column has the column
Mean subtracted from it. It is then divided by the Standard Deviation and the square root
of the number of samples in the column. Results from this method should then fall
between +1.0 and -1.0. This method is used by Walden (1990) as part
of the procedure of simultaneous R-mode and Q-mode
factor analysis.
The normalised data then
represents either positive or negative variations
from the mean of the data set.
Results and Interpretation
The four magnetic parameters
2, 3,
5K graphs) show three distinct zones, from the top
of the core to 21 cm, from 21 cm to 84 cm, and from
84 cm to 120 cm. There are various anomalies within each zone,
e.g. frequency dependent
Vol 105, The Scottish
Naturalist: Loch Ness Sediments: A Preliminary Report
susceptibility at 75
cm is positive, while all other parameters are negative
or just positive. This can be considered as indicating the presence of viscous grains. The possible source for this is soil erosion
within the catchment (Mullins and Tite, 1973).
positive zones can be considered as having enhanced
input of magnetic grains from various environmental
sources, such as reduction within the loch or catchment
soils, atmospheric inputs, or biological sources
such as bacteria. The negative zones can be considered as the
reverse, or dilution of the magnetic grains by the
increased input of diamagnetic or paramagnetic sediments
from the catchment (Thompson and Oldfield, 1986).
7, 8,
9, (5Kgraphs) comprising the alkali and
alkaline earth elements, calcium (Ca), sodium (Na),
potassium (K) and magnesium (Mg), also show three
distinct zones, which almost coincide with the magnetic
zones but have the opposite sign. The positive zone implies a period of enhanced
erosion in the catchment of diamagnetic or paramagnetic
sediment which is diluting the magnetic grains. Na and Mg mirror the magnetic properties,
whereas Ca tends to respond before the magnetic
properties at a depth of 24 cm, and K responds after
the magnetic properties at a depth of 15 cm.
Iron (Fe) and manganese
(Mn) (Figures
10 and
11, 5K graphs ) follow the trend of three
zones except for the top 21 cm of the core. Mn is increasing while Fe is close to the
mean; this implies variations in redox of the sediment
(Mackereth, 1966).
The heavy metals, lead
(Pb) and zinc (Zn) (Figures 12 and 13,
5K graphs) do not appear to correspond to the three
zones discussed above. Closer inspection, however, shows three zones
which could be considered to follow the alkali and
alkaline earth elements, except for the top 33 cm.
With the advent of the
Industrial Revolution (1760), certain elements were
introduced to the atmosphere by the increased burning
of fossil fuels; these were then deposited on the
land during rainfall (Hunt, Jones and Oldfield,
1984). The enhancement of the heavy metals is considered
to be the start of the Industrial Revolution, and
the peak of Pb at 15 cm could be associated with
the decline in the 1970s of industrial production
throughout Europe.
The enhancement of the
heavy metals in the sediment record can be used
to estimate the deposition rate, and the date of
the sediment with respect to depth. Pb and Zn results
from Loch Ness show an enrichment of Pb and Zn at
sediment depth of 33 cm. Therefore:
Vol 105, The Scottish
Naturalist: Loch Ness Sediments: A Preliminary Report
Mean depth of enhanced
Pb and Zn = 33 cm
Years since Industrial
Revolution = 230 years
Annual deposition rate
= 33/230 = 0.14 cm per year
Deposition, however, cannot
be considered as occurring at a constant rate, because
of the nature of environmental processes.
It is considered that
the results presented here show the importance of
Loch Ness to the study of palaeolimnology. The 1.2
metre core is believed to encompass some 850 years
of environmental history.
The heavy metals indicate
the start of the Industrial Revolution in 1760 (33
cm depth). The positive zone of the alkali and alkaline
earth elements may indicate the start and finish
of the Little Ice Age, a cold wet period between
1500 (78 cm) and 1850 (24 cm).
Future work
The method of normalising
the data presented here appears to give a qualitative
representation of environmental change, with a relative
representation of the magnitude of change within
the sediment record. This method may be used to compare changes between different lakes. At present a sediment trap is in position
in Loch Ness to collect one year's deposition. The sediment collected will then be analysed
and the results will be used as the mean for the
method of normalisation.
Loch Ness offers considerable
scope for palaeolimnology, with respect to environmental
change during the late Devensian and Holocene times.
The author would like
to thank Mr. Adrian J. Shine and all colleaques
at the Loch Ness and Morar Project for their assistance;
also Dr. J.P. Smith, Dr. K.M. Farr and Mr. Brian
Bucknall at the University of Wolverhampton for
their help and advice.
Vol 105, The Scottish
Naturalist: Loch Ness Sediments: A Preliminary Report
Bormann, F.H. and Likens,
G.E. (1969). The watershed/ecosystem concept and studies
of nutrient cycles. In: The Ecosystem Concept in Natural Resource
Management. (Ed.
G.M. Van Dyne). Pages 49-76. New York: Academic Press.
Craig, G.Y. (Ed.) (1991). Geology of Scotland. Third edition. London: Geological Society.
Engstrom, D.R. (1983). Chemical
Stratigraphy of Lake Sediments as a Record of Environmental
Change. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Minnesota.
Haworth, E.Y. and Lund,
J.G.W. (Eds.) (1984). Lake Sediments and Environmental History. Leicester University Press.
Hunt A., Jones, J. and
Oldfield, F. (1984). Magnetic measurements and heavy metals in atmospheric
particulates of anthropogenic origin. Science of the Total Environment, 33: 129-139.
Mackereth, F.J.H. (1966). Some
chemical observations on post-glacial lake sediments. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society
of London, Series B, 250: 165-213.
Maitland, P.S. (1981). Introduction
and catchment analysis. In: The Ecology of Scotland's Largest Lochs:
Lomond, Awe, Ness, Morar and Shiel. (Ed. P.S. Maitland). Monographiae Biologicae, 44: 1-27. The Hague:
Mullins, C.E. and Tite,
M. (1973). Magnetic viscosity, quadrature susceptibility and frequency dependence
of susceptibility in single domain assemblages of
magnetite and maghaemite. Journal of Geophysical Research, 78: 804-809.
Oldfield F. (1977). Lakes
and their drainage basins as units of ecological
study. Progress in Physical Geography, 1: 460-504.
Oldfield, F. (1991). Environmental
magnetism - a personal perspective. Quarternary Science Review, 10: 73-85.
Pennington, W., Haworth,
E.Y., Bonny, A.P. and Lishman, F.P. (1972). Lake sediments in Northern Scotland. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society
of London, Series B, 264: 191-294.
Thompson, R. and Oldfield,
F. (1986). Environmental
Magnetism. London:
Allen & Unwin.
Walden, J. (1990). The
Use of Mineral Magnetic Analysis in the Study of
Glacial Diamicts. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Wolverhampton.
Received May 1993
Mr. Peter H. Jenkins,
School of Applied Sciences,
University of Wolverhampton,
Wulfruna Street,